Order Process Explainer

Once your order has been placed

  1. When you place an order with us you’ll receive an email invoice from Xero (be sure to also check your junk email and if you don’t receive this please let us know).
  2. This invoice is essential to your order being correctly processed by the workshop team. You must thoroughly check this invoice otherwise the workshop will proceed with your order as stated in the initial quote. We require confirmation of this quote within 48 hours.
  3. If this invoice correctly reflects your order it’s important you select the option to accept the invoice. At this point your order will be sent to our workshop and they will begin building your order.
  4. If this invoice does not correctly reflect your order you must select the option to decline the invoice. At this point you will need to provide comment on how we need to amend the order.
  5. Once your order is complete we’ll contact you to say it’s ready. If you chose to have your item delivered we’ll be in touch to arrange a suitable delivery time & date. If you chose collection, you’ll be required to collect your order from South Street within 10 working days. Space is limited in our workshop so we appreciate collection as soon as possible.


Payments & Deposits

  1. A 50% deposit is required before your order is passed on to the workshop. The remaining 50% of the payment is required to be paid before delivery or collection. This will be processed when we call you to arrange delivery or let you know your order is ready to be collected. You will either be able to pay this over the phone or in person.
  2. Any orders over £100 must be paid in full.

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